Pöttering: eerbetoon slachtoffers terroristische aanslagen (en)

European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering addressed the Chamber in Strasbourg: "Today we are commemorating the fourth European Day of the Victims of Terrorism. This is a day that we must keep in our memory in order to remember all those who have suffered the barbarities of terrorism. The terrorist attacks in Madrid on 11 March 2004 and in London on 7 July 2005 claimed many victims and left many families in ruins.

Unfortunately, just last Friday terrorist organization ETA assassinated again. Isaias Carrasco, a former Socialist councillor, was shot when he left his home in Mondragon. I wish to express on behalf of the European Parliament our deep sadness and profound sympathy to his family and friends.

As President of the European Parliament and on my own behalf, I can say that their recollection will never be erased from our memories. Today, we will honour him and all victims with a moment of silence, in order to show, once again, our respect and our commitment to them. Always, they are and will remain present in our hearts and in our work. It is a duty for all of us.

I will never cease to repeat, there is no justification for terrorism. Therefore, we must work united in our fight on the basis of the Rule of Law and with all the force of the law."

The European Parliament then held a minute of silence.


REF.: 20080307IPR23294