ACS-staten willen dialoog over Economische Partnerschapsovereenkomsten voortzetten (en)

Representatives of ACP-EU economic and social interest groups participating in the conference of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) 'An Improved Partnership for a Better Development: 25th Meeting of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups' (Brussels, 4 to 6 March), adopted a final declaration on 6 March which called for the negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) to continue, at an appropriate pace for the capacities of ACP countries. The delegates also called for the interim trade agreements to be stepping stones towards comprehensive EPAs, with a view to continuing progress towards regional integration.

The participants stressed that EPAs should be instruments of development and poverty alleviation. To this end, the negotiations should include economic, social and environmental provisions which would maximise the developmental dimension of the EPAs. Consequently, the delegates insisted on a tailor made approach to the EPA negotiations, particularly with regard to the inclusion of services, investment, intellectual property and public procurement provisions. Social and environmental chapters should also be included in all future comprehensive EPAs, following the model of the CARIFORUM - EC EPA concluded in December 2007.

The ACP-EU economic and social interest groups stressed that a number of accompanying measures are essential for the successful implementation of the EPAs. These measures must help to facilitate the restructuring of ACP industries, product diversification and the development of infrastructure, the modernisation of agricultural sectors, human resource development, fiscal reforms and good governance. The delegates also called on EU Member States to make available additional funds for the development needs of ACP countries, in the event where resources from the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) and from the EU's 'Aid for Trade' programme are insufficient.

The delegates highlighted that non-state actors should be regularly informed and consulted on future EPA negotiations. They also called for institutional provisions for the participation of non-state actors in monitoring the implementation of the EPAs (civil society Consultative Committees) to be introduced in all EPAs, following the model of the CARIFORUM - EC EPA. Economic and social interest groups with a regional outreach should be included in such structures.

Other issues addressed in the final declaration of the conference include the role of non-state actors in the implementation of the Cotonou Agreement and the topic of 'Human Resources for Development'.