Europarlementariërs verwerpen rapport definitie en aanpak terrorisme (en)

MEPs rejected a report on factors favouring the support for terrorism and recruitment of terrorists. A lack of consensus among the main political groups regarding the best instruments to fight radicalisation led to MEPs rejecting the report as a whole with 241 votes in favour 332 against and 87 abstentions.

The amendments initially adopted before the rejection of the entire report in plenary called on EU Member States to consider amending the definition of terrorist offences and applicable penalties so as to include "the glorification of terrorism" in its scope, "with full respect for freedom of expression". It also mentioned the need to promote dialogue with religion leaders and minorities, on the basis of the UN concept of the alliance of civilizations.  

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the European Union adopted a framework decision urging Member States to align their legislation and set out minimum rules on terrorist offences. During the vote on the detail of the report, amendments were initially adopted, (before the report was rejected), encouraging Member States to open discussions to include "the glorification of terrorism" in the scope of the framework decision, as "they are factors which contribute to violent radicalisation".

MEPs had also stated in several paragraphs, before the entire report was rejected, that preventive measures must be based upon avoiding social isolation and promoting increased dialogue - with different civilisations, religions, minorities, on the basis of the UN concept of the alliance of civilisations.

The report that was put forward to plenary and rejected in plenary was in the name of the new Civil Liberties Committee Chairman - Gérard DEPREZ (ALDE, BE). Jaime MAYOR OREJA (EPP-ED, ES), the original rapporteur, had withdrawn his name from the report after its adoption by the Civil Liberties Committee. 


REF.: 20080219IPR21728