Energiecommissaris Andris Piebalgs stemt in met overeenkomst voor koppeling elektriciteitsnetwerken Litouwen en Polen (en)

Energy Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs , welcomed the agreement signed yesterday between the Lithuanian and Polish Transmission System Operators to implement the interconnection project. The two Transmission System Operators signed a joint venture agreement, which will implement the interconnection project of Lithuanian and Polish power systems. The joint venture will be in charge of all the preparatory works for the cross-border transmission line.

The effective isolation of the Baltic States, which are still an 'energy island' in the context of regional markets, is considered an urgent problem in terms of security of supply and the correct functioning of the Internal Energy Market. This connection will link the Baltic grid to the continental network (Germany, Poland) in order to increase overall capacity and improve reliability. The power link is composed of the interconnector itself (400 kV interconnectors and convertors) and of related internal network developments in Lithuania, Poland and the Poland-Germany section.

The project has experienced significant difficulties over the years. The "Priority Interconnection Plan" adopted by the Commission on 10 January 2007 and the Action Plan adopted by the European Council on 9 March 2007 specifically mention the appointment of European Coordinators for four critical priority projects. Prof. Wladyslaw Mielczarski was appointed European Coordinator on 12 September 2007 to help accelerate the implementation of the power connection between Germany, Poland and Lithuania. Furthermore, the use of EU funding from the Structural Funds or Ignalina Decommissioning Funds will help the project implementation.