Commissaris Frattini bezoekt Israël en spreekt over terrorisme (en)

Franco Frattini, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Justice Freedom and Security will visit Israel on Monday-Tues, January 21-22. Will open Jerusalem anti-Semitism seminar and give keynote address at Herzliya conference

Vice President Frattini's priorities include the fight against terrorism, the development of European policy on immigration and asylum and the protection of fundamental rights. Speaking ahead of his visit to Israel, Mr. Frattini said: "As part of my first visit to Israel as Vice President of the European Commission, I am very much looking forward to discuss with my Israeli counterparts, issues of common interest and concern.

Among others, the international strategy on counter-terrorism, tackling radicalization, financing of terrorism and private public partnership on enhancing security, the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism and the need for stability in the middle East. This is of course vital from a geo-political and human perspective.

I find it my responsibility to work not only towards a European space of freedom, security and justice, but working with our allies and friends to enlarge this space as much as possible based on a shared notion of fundamental rights and freedom"

On the morning of Tuesday 22.1., Vice President Frattini will open, together with Minister Isaac Herzog, the second EU-Israel Seminar on the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. This seminar, jointly organized by the European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Yad Vashem, is part of the implementation of the EU-Israel European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan.

Later the same day, he will deliver a keynote address at the lunchtime session of the Herzliya conference devoted to 'International Perspectives on the Middle East'.

In addition, Vice President Frattini will meet a series of leading Israeli interlocutors including Minister for Foreign Affairs Tsipi Livni, Minister of Internal Security Avi Dichter, Minister of Justice Daniel Friedman and Minister Ami Ayalon.

To find out more about Vice President Frattini's work please see his website