President Europees Parlement veroordeelt bomaanslagen Algiers (en)

EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering has vehemently condemned the terrorist bombings in Algeria. He sent a message of solidarity to the Algerian people and authorities.

Following the explosions this morning in Algiers, the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, said:

"I have heard the terrible news that two bomb blasts have killed at least 47 people in the Algerian capital and dozens were wounded including a group of students travelling on a college bus. According to the Algerian authorities, the explosions were caused by two car bombs, and at least one was triggered by a suicide bomber. For the time being there is no claim of responsibility.

I vehemently condemn these tragic acts. On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to convey a message of solidarity to the Algerian people and their authorities. Terrorism is a challenge for everyone- not only for western countries, but also the Arab world. Terrorism is a global problem that affects both sides of the Mediterranean. We all suffer from terrorism. We are all victims of terrorism- and we have to solve it together.

We need a determined policy with the objective of preventing terrorism and terrorist acts, both on European Union soil and anywhere else in the world, in line with the principles of the international community and our system of law.

Terrorism is a crime that cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. It represents one of the greatest dangers to the security, stability and democratic values of the international community and is a direct assault on our citizens."


REF.: 20071211IPR14883