Gezamelijke verklaring van de Europees-Russisch permanente partnerschapsraad over veiligheid, vrijheid en justitie (en)

The Portuguese presidency of the European Union and the Russian Federation held the 7th Justice and Home Affairs meeting (JHA) on 23 November 2007, in Brussels. The themes that were debated, under home affairs, were visa policy, documents security, fight against illegal immigration, border management, terrorism prevention and fight against human trafficking.

The minister for home affairs, Rui Pereira, the head of the presidential administration, Viktor Ivanov, the minister of the interior from the Russian Federation, Rashid Nurgaliev, the vice-president of the European Commission, Franco Frattini, the Slovenian minister of the interior, Dragutin Mate, and the Portuguese, Russian and Slovenian ministers of justice were all present in this meeting.

The delegations welcomed the entry into force of the Agreement between the European Union and Russia on visa facilitation and readmission. They also stressed the importance of giving the agreement full execution.

During the meeting they decided to reinforce the cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration and human trafficking, and the collaboration in the management of joint borders, by strengthening relations between the Frontex Agency and the recently created Federal Russian Agency for the Development of State Borders. In fact, an Action Plan 2007-2010 for cooperation in this area was agreed upon. They also decided that an experts' meeting should be held, to deal with the simplification of foreign citizens' registers.

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