Er is volgens Mandelson geen alternatief voor band EU-Derde Wereldlanden (en)

There is no alternative to the economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries if the EU's development policy is to be made compatible with WTO rules, Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson told the EP Development Committee on Monday. MEPs quizzed him about the possibility of including a review clause in these agreements, which are due to be signed before the end of the year.

"Our committee is in charge of the application of the Cotonou Agreement", under which the economic partnership agreements must be signed between the EU and the ACP countries, pointed out Josep Borrell (PES, ES), who chairs the Development Committee.

According to Mr Mandelson, "the Cotonou arrangements have not succeeded in promoting sustainable development in the developing countries, which are no better integrated into the global economy" than they were before. The EPAs, he argued, "offer the opportunity to bring together our trade and development policies more coherently" and to help these countries, which depend on a narrow export base in decline such as sugar and bananas.

By contrast, Alain Hutchinson (PES, BE) believed that "the EPAs are an attempt to require the ACP countries to become trade partners like everyone else more quickly than they would like or wish". In his view, the overwhelming majority of ACP states would not be able to sign these agreements by 31 December 2007.

Mr Mandelson warned against "sanctions" if the negotiations are not concluded by the end of the year. He added that the Commission is envisaging, as "a temporary fallback", setting up a generalised system of preferences (GSP), which is not as favourable as the EPAs.

New waiver to the WTO and review clause

"A further waiver to the WTO will not be granted simply by showing that progress has been made", said the Commissioner, referring to the negotiations that are advancing at different speeds with different regions. While the Caribbean and the Pacific are on course to sign the accords by the end of 2007, the central African region does not seem "in the slightest hurry" to sign an EPA, said Mr Mandelson.

Replying to MEPs Thijs Berman (PES, NL) and Maria Martens (EPP-ED, NL), who called for the inclusion of a review clause, the Commissioner said that the EPAs should be reviewed but he refused to set an "arbitrary date" now.  "Should this date be set by region or by economic sector?", he asked.


Committee on Development

Chair : Josep Borrell Fontelles (PES, ES)


REF.: 20071105IPR12635