Islamitisch extremisme nog altijd grootste dreiging (en)

To fight terrorism effectively, EU Member States need to share information more widely, both with each other and with the EU institutions. But compensatory measures are also needed, so that the fight against terrorism does not shrink individual liberty, the EU's new Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove told the Civil Liberties Committee on 5 November.

"Islamist extremism is the greatest threat to Europe", said Mr de Kerchove in his presentation to the committee, adding that although Al-Qaeda has been partially dismantled, "it still represents the first terrorist menace for the European Union".

ETA a threat to Spain

As to the danger of a new attack on a Member State, "Risks vary a lot between one EU country and another", he said, stressing that "national" terrorism is a risk too, and citing the example of ETA as a "major threat" to Spain.

Information sharing

To improve the EU's capacity to face the terrorist attack, the sharing of information must be improved, both among Member States and with Europol and Eurojust, said Mr de Kerchove, noting that "Exchange of information tends to be bilateral (...) but it is vital for the EU institutions to be informed as quickly as possible". Moreover, co-operation among Member States' police and judicial authorities should also be stepped up, to prevent the recruitment of terrorist cells within Europe, he added.

Compensatory measures

Asked by MEPs about how to balance fighting terrorism with protecting individual freedoms, Mr de Kerchove said "compensatory measures" are needed to ensure the fight against terrorism does not "shrink" individual liberty. Finally, the newly-appointed Counter-terrorism Coordinator stressed his willingness to keep the European Parliament informed of his initiatives.


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

In the chair : Jean-Marie Cavada (ALDE, FR)

Exchange of views with the newly-appointed Counter terrorism Co-ordinator Gilles de Kerchove


REF.: 20071105IPR12636