Topoverleg EU-VS over databescherming (en)

The contact group created at the end of 2006 between the European Union and the United States of America on data protection meets in Washington on 1 and 2 November. The work objectives of this group include the arrival at common principles in matters of data protection that are applicable to the police and judiciary areas of cooperation between these two territories, in order to facilitate information exchange and ensure an adequate level of protection of citizens' privacy.

This group's work will continue at least until the end of the Portuguese Presidency. From the European Union, the delegation was headed by Director-General Johnathan Faull, of the European Commission and by the Director of the International Relations Cabinet for the Portuguese Ministry of Justice, Miguel Romao, aided by experts on matters of data protection. Gilles de Kerchove, the new anti-terrorism coordinator of the European Union was also present.