Verklaring van het voorzitterschap over de aanvallen van PKK in Turkije (en)

The Presidency of the EU reiterates its total condemnation of the terrorist violence perpetrated by the PKK in Turkish territory, in particular the attacks carried out over this last weekend.

The Presidency of the EU reiterates its total condemnation of the terrorist violence perpetrated by the PKK in Turkish territory, in particular the attacks carried out over this last weekend.

The Presidency extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the dead and its solidarity to the wounded. It deeply regrets the suffering caused on them by these terrorist actions, as well as the distress brought on the country as a whole.

The International Community, in particular all the main stakeholders in the region, must support Turkey's efforts to protect its population and fight terrorism, while respecting the Rule of Law, preserving the International and Regional peace and stability and refraining from taking any disproportionate military action. Any endeavour in disregard of these values would be a success for the PKK's strategy of provocation and violence.

The Presidency considers of utmost importance the strengthening of the dialogue and cooperation between the Governments of Turkey and Iraq to address this problem and calls on the Iraqi Government and the Kurdish Regional Government to ensure the respect for the Turkish border and guarantee that the Iraqi territory is not used for any violent actions against Turkey.