Duits voorzitterschao over bezoek Amerikaanse minister Veiligheid (en)

Today, Federal Interior Minister Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, representing the EU Council Presidency, and US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff took part in an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), to which they were invited by the European Parliament.

The meeting of Secretary Chertoff with parliament members at the seat of the European Parliament took place against a background of joint efforts to fight organized crime and international terrorism.

Federal Interior Minister Schäuble emphasized:

"Today's talks between my American counterpart Michael Chertoff and members of the European Parliament, the EU Commission and the German Council Presidency demonstrate the stable and close relationship between Europeans and Americans in security-related matters. We strive for the security of our citizens for the sake of liberty. I am convinced that our meeting today will have a positive impact on future bilateral negotiations on security issues.

"I am thankful to Secretary Chertoff for his committed and trusting cooperation with the German Presidency. Throughout the German Presidency, at the EU-Russia meeting, the EU-USA Troika Meeting and the G6 meeting in Venice, Secretary Chertoff has fully supported the Presidency and its aims."

The meeting today took place in the context of ongoing negotiations on EU-USA cooperation in the field of data protection. Currently, the two sides are also discussing the terms and prerequisites of reciprocal visa issuance. Their aim is to achieve a fair and comprehensive regulation to waive visa requirements for EU and US citizens for stays of up to three months.

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Date: 14.05.2007