Conferentie over conventionele wapens en munitievoorraden (en)

On 3 and 4 April, the Federal Government, as current holder of the Presidency of the EU Council, is organizing an Expert Meeting at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin to discuss the issue of enhancing controls and promoting reductions in stockpiles of conventional arms and ammunition.

This meeting is part of the Federal Government's efforts to achieve more effective small arms controls, with special attention being given to public stockpiles of small arms, light weapons and ammunition. In this way, the Federal Government is making a contribution towards the UN Programme of Action against the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons. Deficient administration and inadequate security of stockpiles represent a major source of illegal weapon transfers, and one which the Federal Government feels has to be countered.

Representatives and experts from governments, international organizations and civil society are taking part in the event. Participants will also prepare a UN Meeting of Governmental Experts, scheduled for 2008 under a General Assembly resolution initiated by Germany: "Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional stockpiles in surplus" (Resolution 61/72).

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Date: 02.04.2007