Consensus over nieuwe economische partnerschap-overeenkomsten tussen de ACS-landen en de EU (en)

ACP and EU ministers met for dialogue on future trade relations

The German EU Presidency yesterday hosted an informal dialogue on the pro-development agenda of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) currently being negotiated between the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) and the European Union (EU). The meeting was co-chaired by Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Minister Hans Joachim Keil of Samoa on behalf of the ACP. Present were ministers and heads of delegation from over 30 ACP States representing all the negotiating regions and EU development cooperation ministers from the 27 EU Member States. The meeting was attended also by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel.

Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul stated in a concluding press conference with Hans-Joachim Keil, Associate Trade Minister of Samoa, that many questions had been successfully clarified during the dialogue: "There is a consensus and common understanding among EU and ACP member states that EPAs are to be an instrument for fighting poverty." Minister Hans-Joachim Keil added: "We have made a lot of progress today. With the meeting we had today, the will is there and the understanding is there. Everybody is cooperating now to make sure that negotiations are completed within the tight timeframe of 2007." The EPAs are going to provide a new basis for trade and economic relations between ACP countries and the EU. The central common goal of the EPAs is to fight poverty, promote sustainable development in the ACP partner countries and foster their fair share of the global economy.

The ACP and EU representatives stressed that EPAs shall be truly development oriented and in this respect, appropriate development provisions must be incorporated in the text of the EPAs. They agreed further to work to develop concrete mechanisms for effective implementation of the development component of the EPAs. They agreed also that the development impact of EPAs should be monitored in the course of the implementation of the agreements. In this regard, monitoring instruments will be further developed.

With regard to market access of ACP States into EU markets, the EU agreed to provide improved market access. Both sides agreed that ACP countries could make use of long transition periods and the asymmetry of tariff dismantlement and its coverage.

The EU reaffirmed that it will dedicate a substantial part of the increase in aid for trade to EPAs. The EU Presidency shall take up and actively promote further elaboration of the ACP proposal for the creation of regional EPA funds. The preferred delivery mechanism will be the existing regionally owned financing mechanisms.

In order to ensure that there is no legal vacuum in the trade arrangements, the ACP and EU committed themselves to make every effort to conclude the negotiations by 31 December 2007, mindful of the importance of ensuring that ACP development concerns are fully addressed as an integral part of the EPAs.

Please find further information about this event on this website.


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Date: 14.03.2007