Conferentie over de gevolgen van globalisering voor de informatiemaatschappij (en)
Going Global 2006: The Challenges for Knowledge-Based Economies 21-22 September
Economic globalisation is neither a new nor transient phenomenon. It is here to stay. How, and on what grounds, will multinationals operate and relocate their production and R&D? What kinds of challenges will this trend present to the industrial and innovation policies of advanced economies such as Finland? What kinds of opportunities for co-operation will globalisation open up between industrialised and emerging countries?
These issues will be discussed in a briefing held in connection with the Going Global: The Challenges for Knowledge-Based Economies conference in Helsinki.
In the briefing, you will hear views of the latest developments from two international experts, Dr. R.A Mashelkar, Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, and Professor David Audretsch, Director of the Max Planck Institute of Economics. On behalf of the organisers, Sakari Immonen, Industrial Counsellor, and Torsti Loikkanen, Research Manager, will answer any questions.
Representatives of the media are welcome to this briefing at 1.00-2.00 p.m. on 21 September 2006. Venue: Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, 2nd floor, conference room Baltica. Complimentary lunch.
Sakari Immonen, Industrial Counsellor, Technology Department/Technology Policy, Ministry of Trade and Industry
Torsti Loikkanen, Research Manager, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland/Innovation Research
The Indian perspective: Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR (India)
The perspective of companies and economic growth: Professor Dr. David Audretsch, Max Planck Institute of Economics.
Registration for the briefing and participation in the conference
Representatives of the media are also welcome to attend the sessions of the Going Global conference. This is free of charge but requires registration in advance.
Please register for the briefing and conference sessions by 1.00 p.m. on 20 September:Satu Ikäheimo, Communications Officer, Ministry of Trade and Industry,, tel. +358 (0)50 431 6519
Requests for interviews of conference session speakers should be submitted in advance to
Satu Ikäheimo, Communications Officer, Ministry of Trade and Industry, tel. +358 (0)50 431 6519,
Sirpa Posti, Media Planner, VTT, tel. +358 (0)40735 4393,
During the conference, the Conference Info on the 2nd floor of Marina Congress Center will also take requests for interviews.
The Going Global 2006 conference is one of the events during Finland's EU Presidency organised by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, European Commission and the EU's Six Countries Programme.
For more information, please contact:
Torsti Loikkanen, Customer Manager, VTT, tel. +358 (0)20722 4250
Sakari Immonen, Industrial Counsellor, Ministry of Trade and Industry, tel. +358 (09) 1606 3665