Roemenië treedt toe tot Decentralisatie-uitvoeringssysteem (en)

vrijdag 7 juli 2006

European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Danuta Hübner, today congratulated the Romanian authorities on finalising, before accession, the Extended Decentralised Implementation System (EDIS) process. The European Commission therefore considers Romania capable to adequately managing ISPA projects independently.

"Romania is the first acceding country to have finalised the EDIS accreditation for the whole ISPA allocation, well in advance before the expected accession date. I would like to congratulate all the parties involved on this achievement. This will help the Romanian authorities to test the capacities on an important amount of pre-accession funding, to get better prepared for the forthcoming implementation period and to gain assurance in taking up important financial responsibility for a significant volume of EU expenditure", stated Danuta Hübner.

"Romania has still to make progress in order to assure an effective absorption of EU funding in the forthcoming programming period. In particular, Romania has to pay attention to a solid preparation of projects pipelines within the different Sectoral Operational Programmes, to the implementation of an effective public procurement system and to the strengthening of administrative capacities of future managing structures by better staffing and training". Romania's experience in implementing ISPA has been an invaluable training exercise in `learning by doing' that is within the preparation strategies, project development, procurement procedures, environment impact assessment (EIA), land acquisition, monitoring, etc.", said further on Commissioner Hübner.


ISPA is one of the three major Funds managed by the Directorate-General for Regional policy. It is implemented under a regime known as DIS (Decentralised Implementation System) which is the ex-ante control on selection of projects, tendering and contracting processes by the Commission.

The essence of EDIS is that an acceding country is considered to be capable of adequately managing ISPA projects independently and that proper control and audit procedures exist and function. This ensures transparency and proper accountability. In cases where EDIS is granted, the Commission services will only carry out ex-post audits to verify the correct processing of transactions.

The Romanian administration has fulfilled and completed all conditions and criteria as stipulated in Art. 12 and in the Annex of Regulation n°. 1266/1999. The decision to waive the ex-ante approval requirement for all ISPA Implementing Agencies in Romania has also been extended to all other entities which are considered part of the system of management and control of ISPA assistance.

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