Agenda Raad: Actieplan biomassa, dierenwelzijn, labeling organische producten, beschermde status geografische aanduidingen op etiketten,

vrijdag 20 januari 2006, 15:42

The Agriculture & Fisheries Council will meet in Brussels on Monday 23 January (starting at 11 a.m) under the Presidency of Mr Josef Pröll, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management of Austria.

Agriculture points will be discussed on Monday morning and food safety items on Monday afternoon. No fisheries points are on the agenda.

During lunch, Ministers will be updated on the state of play of the WTO Agriculture Negotiations

The points on the agenda are:

Work programme of the Presidency

The Austrian Presidency will outline the main priorities in the field of agriculture, food safety and fisheries for the first semester of 2006.


Biomass action Plan

On 7 December 2005, the European Commission proposed an ambitious biomass and biofuels action plan. The detailed plan is designed to increase the use of energy from forestry, agriculture and waste materials (see IP/05/1546 and COM(2005) 628).

The main forms of biomass energy include transport biofuels (made mostly from cereals, sugar and oil seed crops and waste oils), domestic biomass heating (using wood and wood residues) and the burning of wood wastes and straw in power plants to produce electricity, heat or both.

Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Energy, said, "This plan will reduce Europe's dependence on imported energy, cut greenhouse gas emissions, protect jobs in rural areas and extend the EU's technological leadership in these sectors. The Plan outlines measures in three sectors: heating, electricity and transport. The measures in favour of transport biofuels, in particular, are a practical response to the problem of high oil prices."
M. Piebalgs and Mrs Fischer Boel will present the action plan and Ministers will have a first exchange of views on the agricultural aspects of the Communication.

Organic production and labelling of organic products

On 21 December 2005, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a new Regulation on organic production, which aims to improve clarity for both consumers and farmers (see IP/05/1679 and COM(2005) 671). The new rules will be simpler, and will allow a certain amount of flexibility to take account of regional differences in climate and conditions. Producers of organic food will be able to choose whether or not to use the EU organic logo. If they choose not to, their products must be labelled EU-organic. At least 95 percent of the final product will have to be organic to be labelled as such. Products containing GMOs will not be able to be labelled as organic, except those containing up to 0.9 percent of GMO content through accidental contamination. Imports of organic products would be allowed, as long as they comply with EU standards

Mariann Fischer Boel will present the proposal to the Ministers.

Agricultural quality products (PGI, PDO and TSG)

On 23 December, the European Commission has adopted two proposals to clarify and streamline rules for protected geographical indications (PGI), protected designations of origin (PDOs) and "traditional specialities guaranteed" (see IP/06/2, COM(2005) 698 and COM(2005) 694). The draft regulations will ensure full compatibility with the findings of a recent WTO panel.

Mariann Fischer Boel will present the proposals to the Ministers.

Cypriot national aid

On 21 November, Cyprus requested the Council to agree on an exceptional national aid to Cypriot farmers for the purpose of repaying part of agricultural debts created long before the accession of Cyprus to the EU. They had incurred those debts between 1974 and 1998 due to exceptional political circumstances and exceptional long-time drought. The amount of the national aid is € 40 million.

The Council has to adopt a view on this request within three months of the application. If no decision has been taken within that period, the Commission shall decide on the demand.

Food Safety

Action Plan on Animal Welfare

Commissioner Markos Kyprianou is expected to update the Council on the state of play with regard to the Action Plan on the protection and welfare of animals. The Action Plan aims to ensure that animal welfare is addressed in the most effective manner possible over the coming years, in all EU sectors and through EU relations with Third countries.

Avian Influenza:

Commissioner Kyprianou will update Ministers on recent developments regarding Avian Influenza, and on measures adopted since the last Agriculture Council. He will also inform them about the outcome of the participation of the Commission to the Beijing Pledging Conference in January 2006.