Conferentie om dierproeven te vervangen door alternatieve testmethodes (en)

donderdag 27 oktober 2005, 15:03

In Europe, about 11 million animals are used for experiments and other scientific purposes each year. Although 30 years ago about three times as many animals were used, the numbers of animals used in tests remains high. To turn this trend and to replace animal testing by alternative methods, Commission Vice President Günter Verheugen and Commissioner Janez Potocnik will present together with high level representatives of industry a "European Partnership to promote alternative approaches to animal testing" at a conference on 7 November 2005 in Brussels.

The Partnership is a common approach between industry and the European Commission aiming at promoting replacement, reduction and refinement methods ("3 R's") to animal testing and to apply advanced methodology from biosciences and medicine to develop alternatives to animal testing. The development and validation of new methods will also increase innovation and competitiveness of European industry.

The objectives of the conference are to:

  • demonstrate that the EU keeps animal welfare high on the political agenda and remains in the lead for animal protection,
  • show industry's approach to promote actively research in alternative methods,
  • illustrate progress made in the area of alternative methods to animal tests at EU and international level,
  • identify further possibilities to improve development and validation of alternative methods.

The conference will focus on policy issues. It is seen as complementary to the 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in Life Sciences, which took place in Berlin from 21-25 August 2005 and addressed mainly scientific issues.

The "Conference on alternative approaches to animal testing" is co-organised by three Commission Directorates-General: Enterprise & Industry, Science & Research and Joint Research Centre. It will take place on Monday, 7th November 2005 in the European Parliament, Bâtiment Paul-Henri Spaak, PHS1 A 002, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels.

More information:

Participants should register as soon as possible, using the registration on line facility. The deadline for registration is 28 October 2005.