Veel Europeanen negatief over EU (en)

While the European Union appeals strongly to people outside the bloc, positive public opinion inside the union is on the decrease.

According to a poll published by French daily Le Monde, those dissatisfied with the EU outnumber those happy with it in five of the six largest member states.

The Spanish appear to be the most europhile while the French are the most hostile to Europe, according to the Sofres poll, conducted on behalf of the TV channel, Arte.

There is a mixed response to the question of whether people think their life is better off thanks to the EU.

A majority of Spanish believe this to be the case (57% against 13%) as do the majority of the British (33% against 24%).

However, more French did not believe that their life was better because of the EU than those who did (41% to 22%), this was the same among Poles (33% to 18%) and Germans (34% to 33%).

The euro and freedom to travel are highlighted by many as positive European results, while on the negative side unemployment is mentioned by 47 percent of the Germans, by 45 percent of the Spanish, 28 percent of the French and 21 percent of the British.

Bad economic performance also appears to be an important factor for EU pessimism.

And the discontent is in general greatest among workers and women. Some 46 percent of workers in Germany and 56 percent of workers in France are unhappy with the EU, while in Poland, farmers appear to be the most discontent (41%).

Men and younger people are in general more positive towards the EU, according to the survey, which was carried out between 24 August and 5 September in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Poland.

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