Conclusies informele Raad over doping en sport (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Brits voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2005, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 september 2005.
The Presidency's conclusions
Following the Informal meeting of the European Union Sports Ministers in Liverpool, 19-20 September 2005, in the presence of the European Commission, the United Kingdom Presidency affirms that the Ministers:
-Have expressed their commitment, by a large majority to signing the Statement of Commitment to ratification of the UNESCO Convention against Doping in Sport at the UNESCO General Conference in October.
-Agreed upon the need to review the guiding principles and composition of the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) List of Prohibited Substances and Methods, and approved the Presidency's proposal for a process for nominating government representatives to senior positions in WADA, through a cyclical succession to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair, with rotation between representatives of governments and the Olympic Movement, and by electing a non-Board member as Vice-Chair.
-Support the Presidency's recommendations for promoting equal opportunities and diversity in and through sport at both the national and European levels, namely:
-To present and disseminate examples of good practice in sports participation at forthcoming conferences to be held within the European sports movement;
-To consider how the Commission could facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on the nature and effectiveness of policies among Member States in relation to equality of access to sporting services;
-To consider ways to encourage vocational education and training providers in the field of sport and in those fields such as community, youth and social work, in which sport may be used as a policy tool, to ensure that education and training curricula deal with content relating to sport and inter-cultural dialogue.
-Support the priority placed by the Presidency upon the issue of sport and physical activity as a means of promoting public health, and the proposal to create a working group to share good practice in this area and contribute with ideas and proposals for the EU Platform "Diet, Physical Activity and Health".
-Welcome the participation of Austria, Finland, the Czech Republic, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal and the Commission in the above working group.
-Call upon future Presidencies to follow up their discussion of volunteering in sport, by developing proposals for promoting and sustaining the voluntary sector in sport, which they acknowledge to be vital to the sustainability of amateur sport in particular.
-Reaffirm their commitment to the Rolling Agenda agreed during the Dutch Presidency and support the updated version as tabled during the meeting.
-Note that the Commission and several Member States call upon future Presidencies to include, where possible, an informal meeting of EU Sports Ministers in their plans for sport.
-Welcome the outline of the Austrian Presidency's plans for sport and note that there will be a meeting of EU Sport Directors in Vienna on 29-30 March 2006.