Introductiespeech informele JBZ-Raad door Brits voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Brits voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2005, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 september 2005.


It is an honour to chair this informal gathering of Justice and Interior Ministers as part of the UK Presidency of the EU. We are delighted that this meeting is taking place in Newcastle Gateshead.

The issues to be discussed at this meeting are of critical importance to continuing to ensure the freedom and security of all our citizens. The fight against terrorism and organised crime has become increasingly important; we will have the opportunity to discuss the current threats with respect to counter terrorism and focus on prioritising the existing EU action plan on counter terrorism and we hope to make progress on the issues surrounding the retention of telecommunications data.

We will have the opportunity to participate in three workshops where discussions will take place on Criminal use of the internet, Human Trafficking and Intelligence led Policing. In parallel Justice Ministers will discuss the other side of the security and rights balance, focusing on current issues in civil law including access to justice in small claims and the scope of European measures in the civil field.

On the Friday we will have one session focused on Counter-Narcotics and Afghanistan and the other on Africa and Migration.

Despite a heavy agenda we have tried to ensure there is some time for social events. These will help us to further consolidate relationships and strengthen contacts.

We hope that this meeting will produce an inspiring and useful exchange of ideas and an opportunity for serious political discussion, enabling us to move forward at our formal Councils later in the year. The topics for discussion are fundamental to our democracies and of paramount importance to our citizens. We want this Informal to drive progress in these key areas and show the people we serve the ability the EU has to improve their lives.

Charles Clarke

UK Secretary of State for the Home Department

Lord Falconer of Thoroton, Lord Chancellor

UK Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs