Minzame schikking in rechtszaak tegen het dumpen van Noorse zalm op Europese markten (en)

vrijdag 17 juni 2005, 15:04

The European Commission and the Norwegian salmon industry have reached an amicable agreement on measures to address the selling of Norwegian salmon at unfair dumped prices on European markets. The tariff currently applied as a provisional measure by the European Union to Norwegian salmon imports will be replaced by a minimum import price which will act as a guard against unfair pricing. Market access for Norwegian salmon producers is preserved without adding additional costs for Norwegian producers and European importers. European producers are protected from Norwegian product imported below cost or at prices significantly lower than those on the domestic Norwegian market.

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said: "I am extremely pleased that the Norwegian Salmon industry and the European Commission have been able to bring this dispute to an amicable solution. Today's balanced agreement ensures stable and sustainable market conditions that are fair for producers, exporters and processors alike. This negotiated solution reflects the excellent trading relationship between the EU and Norway."

The Commission will propose to replace the provisional import tariff that has been in place since 27 April 2005 by a minimum import price set initially at 2.81 euros per kilo of fresh salmon, reflecting overall Norwegian production costs. These measures could be converted into definitive measures lasting five years by the Council should the Commission's ongoing investigation confirm its provisional assessment of unfair pricing. This minimum import price will be adjusted according to market changes. This minimum price will apply to all Norwegian exporters and there will be no additional measures.

The minimum price, which is set to reflect market production costs in Norway, will protect European salmon producers from unfairly dumped imports. Unlike the imposition of a tariff, the setting of a minimum import price would not add additional costs for Norwegian exporters if they respect this price. It will ensure in a simple and transparent manner that Norwegian producers do not sell produce in the EU at below the cost of production in Norway.

The use of a minimum price also removes the additional cost to European importers and processors of Norwegian salmon and guarantees the European processing industry a stable and secure supply of fresh salmon at a fair price.

By Regulation (EC) 628/2005, effective from 27 April 2005, the Commission imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of farmed salmon originating in Norway. The measures took the form of ad valorem duties averaging 16%.