Commissie verzoekt Tsjechië om invoerbeperkingen voor registratie tweedehands auto's af te schaffen (en)

vrijdag 18 maart 2005, 15:05

The European Commission decided to send the Czech Republic a formal request for information concerning obstacles to the registration of imported second hand cars in the Czech Republic. The Commission has received complaints about the conditions imposed by Czech legislation on the registration of imported second hand cars which appear to be stricter than the conditions imposed on the re-registration of second hand cars already circulating in the Czech Republic and seem even to prohibit the registration of a certain category of imported used cars. The Commission is concerned that the Czech legislation may constitute an unnecessary and disproportionate barrier to the free movement of second hand cars in the Internal Market, in violation of the EC Treaty rules (Articles 28-30).

"The Commission is committed to prevent any hurdles in imports to the Czech Republic in order to make the enlarged EU's single market work", Vice-President Günter Verheugen, responsible for Enterprise, Industry and the Free Movement of Goods said.

The Commission's request is the first step of infringement proceedings under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. The Czech Republic will be asked to respond within two months. If the Commission is not satisfied with the response, a formal request (known as a reasoned opinion) to change the national legislation may be sent to the Czech authorities.

The free movement of goods is one of the fundamental principles of the Internal Market. European Community law (Articles 28-30 of the EC Treaty) requires Member States to abstain from imposing restrictions on imports into or exports from other Member States unless there are legitimate public policy reasons for doing so (such as public health and safety). Even where such reasons exist, any restriction must be necessary and proportionate to the objective pursued.