Europese Commissie onderhandelt met China en Rusland over luchtvaartverdragen (en)

The European Commission has unveiled its plans to open aviation negotiations with Russia and China.

Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot is also hoping to restart discussions with the US, as aviations talks with the country have stalled.

Aviation deals would in general help carriers fly more freely between countries.

Creating an open air space with the US continues to be a priority for the EU, given the scale of the trans-Atlantic market, announced the Commission.

Mr Barrot has high hopes for the meeting with the US Transportation Secretary, taking place at the beginning of next week.

"By creating a single aviation market, the EU has opened up new opportunities for airlines and passengers", said Mr Barrot yesterday (14 March).

The French Commissioner hopes to get the green light from member states to start negotiations with Russia and China.

About 75 per cent - more than four million in a year - air passengers fly from Russia to EU destinations every year.

The Commission also believes that the EU should not miss out on the growing Chinese market. The EU is also China's largest trading partner.

Mr Barrot is planning to start the first round of aviation discussions with Russia and China already in 2005.

According to the Commission, "the agreements are aimed both at economic opening up and at cooperation with a view to harmonising the rules governing the markets".

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