Roemeense geheime dienst bespioneert voormalig EP-lid Arie Oostlander (en)

An MEP who was formerly responsible for over-seeing the European Parliament's assessment reports on Bucharest has accused the Romanian secret service of spying on her.

UK liberal MEP Emma Nicholson said that the surveillance was "predictable and obvious", according to an article in Austria's Der Standard today.

She made her comments during a plenary session in Timisoara in West Romania and they were reported in the newspaper, Evenimentul Zilei, on Monday.

Baroness Nicholson is reported to have said she found it regrettable that money that is so urgently needed for education, health and services is being used for spying and telephone bugging.

Her comments follow similar ones made by former Dutch MEP Arie Oostlander i last week. Mr Oostlander, a Christian Democrat and also involved in drawing up reports on Romania, alleged that he has been under surveillance by the Romanian secret service.

Romania is set to join the EU in 2007. An important step in this process will be taken in April when, along with Bulgaria, the treaties that outline the terms of their membership are to be signed.

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