Deense oppositie wint in peilingen vlak voor algemene verkiezingen (en)

The race between the ruling centre-right coalition in Denmark and the opposition Social Democrats is narrowing on the eve of national parliamentary elections.

The latest polls show the opposition closing in on the lead of Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen who on Tuesday (8 February) aims to win a second four-year term in government.

According to the latest Ramboll poll published by Jyllands-Posten on Monday (7 February), the government will win 93 seats in the new parliament, while the opposition can count on 82 seats.

Just six seats need to change hands however, according to the poll, to give victory to the Social Democrat leader, Mogens Lykketoft.

In total, 4.006.295 Danish voters may choose between ten different political parties in the elections.

Both the government and the opposition have been bombarding voters with relatively similar and popular promises to improve education, health and childcare, create more jobs while at the same time freezing taxes.

The lack of political difference between the two main combatants has enabled smaller parties with clearly profiled policies to gain votes, and these may possibly decide the colour of the next government.

The liberals, who are offering a more relaxed policy towards immigrants appear likely to become one of the big winners in the elections, while the left-wing Socialists might lose support. The party recently adopted a pro-EU stand in a close race between party members.

The final results of the elections are expected late Tuesday evening shortly before midnight.

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