Europese Commissie stelt nieuwe luchtvaartovereenkomst met Chili voor (en)

donderdag 23 december 2004, 15:03

The European Commission proposed today a far-reaching aviation agreement with Chile. Its main objective is to end discriminatory provisions that do not allow European airlines to fly to Chile from an EU Member State other than their country of origin.

The proposed agreement, which the Council of Ministers is now invited to approve, will allow all EU airlines to fly to Chile from any EU Member State. It will not replace the bilateral agreements in place between the EU Member States and Chile but will bring them in line with EU law. It follows on the November 2002 rulings by the European Court of Justice, which recognised that nationality restrictions in bilateral air services agreements are contrary to EU law. Bilateral air services agreements between EU Member States and third countries need to make provision for non-discriminatory market access to all EU airlines.

This agreement is also an important first step in the aviation relations between the EU and Chile. It will contribute to the integration of aviation markets in Latin America as it will also allow non-Chilean airlines to fly from Chile to the EU.

Negotiations between the European Commission and the Chilean aviation authorities were concluded in September 2004. The Commission has recently negotiated similar agreements with Georgia, Lebanon and Azerbaijan, which will be proposed to the Council for approval early next year.