Grote verdeeldheid in Noorwegen over wenselijkheid EU-lidmaatschap (en)

As the EU prepares to receive a new wave of accession countries, Norway remains split on whether to join the union, according to new polls published today (20 December).

Sentio Norstat's December poll published today (20 December) by Norwegian daily Nationen shows an almost even split, with 45.8 percent supporting membership and 43.8 percent opposed.

"This is great, we are pleased. 2004 has been a tremendously good year for those not wanting Norwegian EU membership", said the leader of the No-movement Heming Olaussen to Nationen.

A year ago the yes camp had a clear majority of 12 percent.

An average Norwegian no-voter is still female, low educated and living in the countryside, according to the Sentio Norstat poll.

Norway voted No to joining the EU in referendums in 1972 and 1994.

Pro-EU political parties are hoping for a third EU referendum after the next general elections in September 2005.

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