Onderhandelingen over toetreding Roemenië formeel afgerond (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Following a last minute diplomatic push, Romania managed on Wednesday evening (8 December) to close EU pre-accession talks.

This is a technical achievement with the political closure of talks expected on 14 December, during a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

Finishing negotiation on all parts of EU legislation was crucial ahead of the EU Summit next week, when Romania's accession in 2007 is expected to be confirmed by leaders of the 25-nation bloc.

As late as Wednesday morning, two difficult chapters - competition and justice and home affairs - were still under discussion.

Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana, who held talks with the European Commission and the European Parliament, managed to see the talks closed - but with some additional conditions.

Tougher monitoring

Until 2007, Romania and Bulgaria will be under close observation following the introduction of a so-called safeguard clause that gives the EU the possibility of delaying entry for a year if commitments made by the countries during negotiations are not met.

Romania has now accepted further monitoring.

The EU has asked Bucharest to put additional effort into both the competition and justice and home affairs areas.

Mr Geoana insisted that this additional monitoring was "not imposed but assumed by Romania in a responsible way".

Romania has been lagging behind its neighbour Bulgaria, which already closed EU talks in June.

Both countries are due to sign the Accession Treaty in spring 2005 paving the way to join the EU two years after that.

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