Landbouwministers vrijwel akkoord over nieuwe regelgeving diertransporten (en)

EU agriculture ministers are expected today (22 November) to pass a new set of rules regulating the transport of animals.

Under Irish EU presidency, in the first half of this year, no compromise was reached.

The current Dutch EU presidency has, however, worked out a compromise with a number of concrete improvements, which is expected to get the backing of a qualified majority of EU ministers' votes in today's meeting.

A mandatory satellite navigation control system for all means of transport by road must be installed by 2009, according to the Dutch proposal.

Stricter requirements for long distance transport and better training of drivers through the introduction of mandatory requirements are also included.

The number of hours allowed for transporting animals has however not been cut shorter -something animal welfare organisations had requested.

European Union farm ministers will also today hold a first policy debate on the reform of the sugar sector, based on a questionnaire presented by the Dutch Presidency.

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) ruled earlier this year that the EU has broken rules governing the export of subsidised sugar, hitting farmers in developing countries.

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