EU dringt aan op eerlijke verkiezingen in Oekraïne (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Following the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections on Sunday, the EU has urged improvements when the country goes back to the polls in three weeks time.

European observers pointed to flaws in the electoral process after Sunday's vote which saw government-backed Viktor Yanukovych edge ahead of opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko.

Observers from the Council of Europe and the OSCE said that the conditions of the vote did not meet normal democratic standards, citing examples of media restrictions and fraud.

In a statement on Tuesday (1 November) the Dutch Presidency of the EU said that the 21 November second round would be fairer.

The elections are being seen as a litmus test for Ukraine's democratic and EU ambitions.

The Dutch presidency on Tuesday said that the elections were of "great significance".

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