Poolse werknemers slecht verzekerd in Noorwegen (en)

Complaints about several Norwegian insurance companies have been filed because Polish construction workers were refused compensation or could not be insured properly when working in Norway.

The companies' decisions have left Polish workers in a legal bind.

Norwegian law requires all workers to be insured, but the regulations for workers from new EU member states are not quite clear, Stein Haakonsen from the Norwegian Financial Services Association told Aftenposten.

Mr Haakonsen added that the annual salary in Norway is on average five to six times higher than in Poland.

If injured while working in Norway a Polish worker could count on compensation worth several times a normal Polish salary.

Complaints have been filed to the EFTA (European Free Trade Association) Surveillance Authority, which is ensure that EEA rules are properly enacted and applied by the EFTA States.

Since Poland became a member of the EU in May 2004, 15,000 Polish have obtained working permits in Norway.

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