Roemenië stelt orgaan in voor bewaking persvrijheid (en)
Auteur: | By Mihaela Gherghisan
The Romanian government decided last week to create an "observatory" body in order to ensure press freedom following criticism by the European Commission.
The body is supposed to monitor the situation on the ground for journalists working in Romania - and report on any attempts to curb press freedom or any attacks on journalists.
The move comes after the Commission's latest progress report for the country in which the lack of press freedom and the rise in the number of attacks against journalists were criticised.
The debate over the freedom of the Romanian press has also been fuelled by alleged attempts to influence the work of journalists in a number of independent Romanian newspapers.
Two big newspapers, Evenimentul Zilei and Romania Libera, protested at alleged undue interference by their Western owners in their editorial content.
A Romanian police report about physical aggression against journalists is expected to be ready before the end of this week.
The government also adopted a package of short-term measures to address other criticisms from the EU Commission.
These concern widespread corruption and the need for administrative reform.
Romania is hoping to join the EU, along with Bulgaria, in 2007.