Juristen onderzoeken gevaren voor belangenverstrengeling bij eurocommissariaat Neelie Kroes (en)

The incoming Competition Commissioner, Nellie Kroes, may have some of her judgements queried because of previous business interests, according to an internal Commission legal opinion obtained by the FT.

Ms Kroes asked the Commission's legal service to prepare an opinion on whether her previous positions on the boards of several companies would create a conflict of interest.

The lawyers replied that it would be "advisable" for Ms Kroes to avoid cases where she is connected to the companies involved.

If she was directly involved with the company, she would be best advised to "distance herself from the dossier", according to the leaked opinion, either abstaining from the vote, or handing the case to another Commissioner or the entire College.

Ms Kroes stepped down from positions at various companies earlier this month to avoid a potential conflict of interest.

And she has the full backing of incoming Commission President José Manuel Durao Barroso, who is said to have selected Ms Kroes for the crucial post of Competition Commissioner partly because of her valuable business experience.

The FT reports that Ms Kroes is now drawing up a code of conduct for herself that will determine how she works in the five year term.

She is certain to face questions on this subject during her hearing from MEPs.

A former Competition Commissioner, Karel van Miert, decided not to rule on a case involving Belgian airline Sabena due to a family connection with the firm.

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