Sleutelrol voor kleine Deense partij in referendum Grondwet (en)

An internal vote among members of the small Danish leftwing party, the Socialist People's Party, could end up having a decisive effect on Denmark's final decision on the European Constitution.

Members of the party have traditionally been opposed to more EU integration. However, the party has lately appeared split on the European issue and had for the first time a pro-EU MEP elected as member of the European Parliament in this June's elections.

A majority of the party's board members now favour having a ballot among the 7000 party members to define the party line over the new EU Constitution, reports Politiken.

A final decision in the party about whether to have such an internal poll is expected in September.

The EU Constitution is to be decided by referendum in Denmark and the small party traditionally plays a key role in the fine balance between yes and no.

The second Danish referendum on the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 ended with a narrow yes majority after the Socialist People's Party swung its recommendation from a no to a yes.

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