Tsjechische eurocommissaris Telicka wellicht in november naar huis (en)

The Czech government might replace its current commissioner Pavel Telicka with outgoing Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla.

According to Czech media, Mr Telicka is being rejected as a member of the next EU executive by one of the Czech governing parties, the Christian Democrats, because of his former membership of the Czech communist party.

The Christian Democrats are now looking to Mr Spidla, a social democrat who resigned as Prime Minister in June following a major defeat of his party in the European elections.

Mr Spidla can count on the support from his own party, as well as from the opposition right-wing ODS.

The outgoing Prime Minister said today (23 July) that he would accept an official offer to become a new Czech EU Commissioner, he told press agency CTK today.

"If I receive such an offer, I will not reject it", Mr Spidla said.

But some Czech politicians fear that Brussels would not appreciate the move.

One social democrat argued according to Radio Prague that Mr Telicka should stay in office as a commissioner, "in order not to export problems relevant to national politics to Brussels, which is not appreciated there".

Mr Telicka himself recently indicated he is eager to continue his Brussels job, expressing his interest in a high-profile economic portfolio in the next EU executive.

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