Europees Parlement geeft Barroso groen licht als nieuwe voorzitter Europese Commissie (en)

EUOBSERVER / STRASBOURG - Former Portuguese Prime Minister José Manuel Durao Barroso has been elected the next President of the European Commission by a majority of MEPs.

Mr Barroso was supported by 413 MEPs while 251 voted against him and 44 abstained.

"I am delighted, honoured and proud that the European parliament has confirmed my appointment", a delighted Mr Barroso said after the results of the vote were announced.

"I am extremely proud to be Portuguese".

He went on to describe himself as a person "who can build bridges" and has promised to be "an honest broker".

"The level of very strong support from members of the European Parliament from various political families is a good signal for the future and for our co-operation".

Mr Barroso said he hopes to announce the composition of the next Commission "by not later than the week of 23 August" but indicated he will not bow down to pressure from the larger member states.

"Portfolios will not be distributed according to nationality but according to competence", he promised.

"It is important to have an independent, strong Commission", he stressed. "I shall defend the common interests of Europe. I will try to establish a balance between all member states...dignity is the same, quite apart from size".

Eight women commissioners

He also said he would do his best to convince governments to submit women for the Commission posts adding also that there would be separate commissioners for budget and audit.

"I will do my best to get eight women out of the 24 Commissioners", he said. "I think it is only fair to get a more balanced Commission".

Prior to the vote, the centre-right EPP, the right-wing UEN and the majority of the centrist Liberals and Democrats alliance declared their support for his nomination.

The Socialists were split, with leader Martin Schultz declaring before the vote that the majority of the group would not be voting for him while the Green / European Free Alliance, the left-wing GUE and the majority of the eurosceptic ID said they would not be supporting him.

Despite the opposition from some of the groups, Mr Barroso expressed his intention to work both with those that supported him and also those that did not.

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