Ierland lobby't voor zware post in nieuwe Europese Commissie (en)

Dublin is to seek one of the most important portfolios in the new European Commission for its new man in Brussels - finance minister Charlie McCreevy.

According to The Irish Times, Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern will this weekend ask the incoming commission president, José Manuel Durao Barroso, for either the economic and monetary affairs portfolio or competition.

These two influential posts are currently occupied by a Spaniard and an Italian.

If Dublin were to put in a bid for the competition portfolio it would be in direct conflict with Paris which is reportedly seeking that post for its commissioner.

"For us in Ireland, you have to have a heavyweight man or woman in that position from now on if you want to be at the centre. You need a serious person at it, and that's why I'm glad Charlie has taken up the post", said Mr Ahern, according to the newspaper.

However, Mr McCreevy's nomination for commissioner has less than delighted others.

Speaking in Strasbourg on Wednesday (21 July), Irish Labour MEP Proinsias De Rossa condemned him as "one of the most right-wing finance ministers in Europe".

"He believes in incentives. He believes in incentivising the wealthy and the rich with tax breaks and handouts, and incentivising the poor by giving them a kick in the arse", said Mr de Rossa.

Mr Barroso will start consulting member states on the portfolios once he is given the expected nod of approval by MEPs today.

It is up to the commission president how to organise his team of commissioners and to decide who gets which job - although large member states are expected to exercise big pressure to get what they want.

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