Belgische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Louis Michel nieuwe eurocommissaris (en)

Belgium is to appoint a new foreign minister as Louis Michel becomes Belgium's Commissioner designate.

Louis Michel, who is also deputy prime minister, is set to be designated as Belgium's Commissioner after being replaced by Karel de Gucht as Belgian Foreign Minister.

Mr de Gucht is the chairman of Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt's Flemish Liberal Party (VLD).

Mr Michel is now almost certain to make the short trip down Rue de la Loi from the Belgian government to the European Commission.

According to media reports, Mr Michel's name will be put forward as a potential Commissioner on Tuesday.

In other appointments finance minister Didier Reynders will become deputy prime minister.

Laurette Onkelinx takes the job as Justice Minister while Patrick Dewael moves to the Interior Ministry and Andre Flahaut steps into Defence.

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