Durão Barroso aanvaardt functie van voorzitter Europese Commissie (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The Portuguese Prime Minister José Manuel Durao Barroso has accepted the post of Commission President.

Mr Durao Barroso told journalists that he would accept the invitation on Tuesday, hours before setting off for Brussels to confirm his appointment.

"I want, in the first instance to inform the Portuguese people that I will accept the invitation that I was given by European heads of state and government", he said in a declaration to the country.

According to the Lusa news agency, no decision has yet been announced on whether his departure from Portugal will spark new elections.

The opposition socialist party has called for fresh elections once the Prime minister goes to Brussels.

It did well at the European elections, beating Mr Durao Barroso's centre right party by almost 10 percentage points.

If appointed Mr Durao Barroso will become the eleventh president of the European Commission.

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