Turkije en Europol sluiten overeenkomst voor bestrijding grensoverschrijdende misdaad (en)

Turkey and the EU's umbrella police organisation Europol have signed an agreement aimed at increasing their co-operation in fighting organized crime such as terrorism, illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.

Turkey's geopolitical position is of large importance in preventing and suppressing organised crime-smuggling routes into the European Union.

"We were looking forward to establishing a partnership in fighting organised crime with Turkey which plays a crucial role in the overall security of the South Eastern European borders and we are happy that today we have together completed our mission", Europol's Director Jürgen Storbeck said.

"The Turkish law enforcement authorities possess a great deal of expertise and knowledge in combating international organised crime ... we need to improve our common strategy", he said.

An agreement has been in the pipeline since 2000 when Europol was given the go-ahead by EU Member States to work out a deal.

Although Turkey is not an EU member, Mr Storbeck said the country is considered equal to EU member states in its projects.

Co-operation agreements between Europol and future EU members Bulgaria and Romania also exist.

Europol was set up in 1995 to pool and exchange information between police forces and member states.

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