Solana kandidaat voor nieuwe post Europese minister van Buitenlandse Zaken (en)

According to French daily Le Monde, Javier Solana i, the EU's high representative for foreign policy, wants the job of European foreign minister - a post foreseen in the European Constitution.

The paper quotes sources saying that Mr Solana will push for his post to be "boosted" at a meeting of EU heads of state and government on 17 and 18 June.

In other words, he would like the European foreign minister position to be brought forward and come into force before the whole Constitution is put into place - something not likely to happen before 2006.

The post would combine Mr Solana's role with that of the Commissioner for external relations - currently held by the UK's Chris Patten i.

The EU foreign minister would be responsible for handling the EU's external relations - and would also be vice-president of the European Commission.

The person would also eventually have an "external action service" or a diplomatic service to provide back-up.

If Mr Solana did secure the post, it would mean the end of compatriot Joaquin Almunia, who recently replaced Pedro Solbes as commissioner for economic and monetary affairs.

The big countries will lose their second commissioner in the next college.

However, the Spaniard may not be the only one interested in the job.

A wave of speculation in German media last year, which has since died down, said that German foreign minister Joschka Fischer was also keen on position.

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