Frans-Duitse deal over nieuwe eurocommissaris voor monetaire zaken (en)

France and Germany have agreed that the next monetary affairs commissioner should be a French person.

According to a report in Geman newspaper Die Welt, in return for a French person getting this important portfolio, a German would become the new 'super commissioner' responsible for the economy and industry.

If this were to be the case, it would mean that both countries would be under less pressure over the strict rules that underpin the euro.

Both Berlin and Paris have repeatedly breached the euro rules - known as the stability pact - which state that countries cannot run a budget deficit higher than 3% of GDP.

The UK, Germany and France aired the idea for a 'super commissioner', who would be vice-president of the commission and would co-ordinate other portfolios, earlier this year.

The new commission will start in November for a five-year term. Although the member states will choose a candidate for Commission president, this person and the whole commission team has to be approved by the European Parliament.

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