Gijs de Vries roept EU-lidstaten op voornemens terreurbestrijding waar te maken (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Dutchman Gijs de Vries, the EU's anti-terror tsar, today urged Member States "to deliver on commitments" pledged last week in the aftermath of the Madrid attacks.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mr de Vries said he would ensure that things "get going" and that legislation in the member states is "implemented swiftly". The former Dutch deputy interior minister also stressed the importance of preserving civil liberties, but admitted that "there can never be a guarantee of 100 percent security".

"As governments and institutions of the European Union, we can do everything in our power to strengthen collaboration and make sure all necessary measures are in place in time", he added.

Mr de Vries, praised by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana as the right person for the job, was tasked to improve co-ordination between the EU institutions in the fight against terrorism.

"We need somebody who can be responsible for interior and justice in the European Council", said Mr Solana.

"He has been given an enormous amount of work", he added.

The Dutchman will co-ordinate work inside the Council, and ensure that EU interior and foreign affairs ministers have the necessary information to take decisions and to ensure that new member states implement the decisions taken.

However, during a discussion held this morning between EU ministers, German interior minister Otty Schily called for further clarification on what exactly Mr de Vries will be doing in the coming months.

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