Justitieministers uit EU-lidstaten lassen speciale top in voor bestrijding terrorisme (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - EU justice and interior ministers will gather for an urgent meeting this Friday, 19 March, to discuss anti-terrorism measures following the terror attacks in Madrid last week.

The ministers will discuss the idea of a "security coordinator", with the task of stepping up co-operation between EU bodies and third countries in the fight against terrorism.

Measures to increase co-operation between police and security services and collaboration in intelligence services between Member States, will also be discussed amongs the EU justice and Home Affairs ministers.

However, other measures to combat terrorism will also be put forward by the Irish Presidency, which will also be discussed by EU foreign affairs ministers on Monday and later on next week by EU heads of state.

The security threat has also led other EU states to organise urgent meetings to step up the fight against terrorism.

Spanish Interior Minister Angel Acebes said that a high-level meeting of EU anti-terrorist services would take place in Madrid in the coming days.

Moreover, Nordic intelligence services have called for a meeting to be held at the beginning of next week by the so-called Counter Terrorism Group.

This was set up by the heads of EU member states' intelligence services after the 11 September attacks.


Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern will seek political commitment from EU heads of state to assume obligations contained in the Solidarity Clause which is included in the draft Constitution for Europe.

This clause provides for Member States to come to the assistance of each other in response to new threats.

"The European Union will not be deflected from the pursuit of democracy or justice by these desperate acts. We stand in solidarity with the Spanish people and pledge ourselves to combat all forms of terrorism within our power in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations", Mr Ahern said.

The Irish Presidency also aims to step up work on the expected proposals on the prevention and exchange of information on terrorist financing between the EU states, and increase EU-UN coordination on terrorism.

A meeting will be held today between European Commissioners where proposals on tougher EU measures will be discussed.

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