[autom.vertaling] De Commissie stelt beperkingen over visserijinspanning in voor westelijke wateren (en)

vrijdag 12 maart 2004, 1:52

The European Commission has tabled a proposal on the maximum level of fishing effort in each fishing area for a number of fisheries in the so-called "western waters" which extend from the Canary Islands and the Azores to the north and north-west of Ireland and the UK (see attached map). These limitations on effort will complete the new regime, adopted last October, for these waters. The objective of the new measures was, first, to end the discriminatory restrictions on access following the full integration of Spain and Portugal in the Common Fisheries Policy, and, second, to revise and update the existing fishing effort ceilings. This revision will provide continued protection to the fish stocks concerned by ensuring that there is neither an increase in fishing effort nor major shifts of fishing effort between areas.

Welcoming the proposal, Commissioner Franz Fischler, responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said: "These measures will ensure that CFP rules apply equally to all without increasing fishing effort or weakening the protection currently afforded to the fish stocks concerned."

The Commission proposes to limit fishing effort in the western waters according to fishing areas (based on ICES and CECAF sub-areas)(1) and fisheries on the basis of information received from Member States. This information relates to the annual average effort exerted over the reference period 1998-2002 by

  • vessels greater than or equal to 15 metres in the waters concerned, outside the biologically sensitive area (see attached map);

  • vessels greater than or equal to 10 metres in the biologically sensitive area.

The fisheries concerned include demersal fisheries (for species living close to the sea floor, including Norway lobster and shrimp) as well as fisheries for scallop, edible crab and spider crab. The fishing effort will be allocated on the basis of kilowatt/days which Member States concerned will share among their fleets.


The Regulation adopted in October 2003 by the Council of Ministers sets out the conditions for the introduction of a system for the management of fishing effort in the western waters. It established a biologically sensitive area to the south-west of Ireland where a specific effort regime applies. It provides for the presentation by the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament of a report on the general regime in 2006 and on the regime in the sensitive area in 2008.

The 2003 Regulation also dealt with the specific measures applying to waters around the outermost regions. The Commission is to present a report in 2006 on the application of these measures.

Annexes:  Map of the western waters

    Map of the biologically sensitive area

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED]

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED]

(1) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea; Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic