Romano Prodi zal Italiaanse verkiezingsstrijd tegen Berlusconi leiden (en)

European Commission President Romano Prodi will head the campaign committee for Italian centre-left candidates at the European Parliament elections later this year reports Corriere della Sera.

The common list will be launched in a national convention between 13-14 February, where its work will be concluded by Mr Prodi.

This decision was taken after a meeting held yesterday in Brussels between the Commission President and representatives from the Italian centre-left parties.

The committee will be made up of representatives from the parties as well as from civil society. The parties on the list will also be urged to assume common positions on international and European issues.

The list will be made up of the Democrats of the Left, the Daisy Alliance, the SDI (Italian Social Democrats) and the European Republicans.

"The Prodi list has taken off", the democrats of the left secretary Piero Fassino said.

Mr Prodi, however, has so far not expressed any intention of putting himself forward as a candidate on the list.

Commission spokesperson Reijo Kemppinen said on Monday that according to the code of conduct for Commissioners "they can be active members of political parties in their own country".

But he also said that Mr Prodi intends to stay as President of the Commission until the end of his mandate in October.

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