Bombrieven naar Trichet en Europol (en)

Just two days after the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi received a parcel bomb, two new bombs were sent to the head of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet and European police body Europol.

On Monday (29 December) Mr Trichet was a target of a letter bomb, which did not explode. Some hours later, another bomb was sent to the Europol headquarters based in The Hague.

According to the Independent, the bombs for Mr Trichet and Mr Prodi were both sent from the northern Italian town of Bologna.

The police have so far not given more detailed information about the bomb sent to Europol. The bomb, the size of a book, was defused by Dutch military experts, and no one was injured, said Rijsdorp, of the public prosecutor's office in The Hague, according to the New York Times.

For his part, Mr Prodi said the package he received at home contained a book wrapped in yellow paper and was addressed to his wife. It had been cut to insert explosive powder, reports the BBC.

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