Politiek debat in Noorwegen over invoering van euro als tweede munt (en)

The Leader of the Norwegian right-wing party, Fremskrittspartiet, Carl I Hagen wants his country to accept the euro as a parallel currency to the Norwegian Crown.

"We should find out to what extend Norway could use euro in parallel with the kroner. I think the market forces will make it happen, which I am not against", Mr Hagen said to Aftenposten.

The right-wing leader predicted international companies such as Hennes & Mauritz would soon mark goods from third countries in euro, which due to the exchange rates would make it advantageous for consumers to have the euro in their pockets.

"We should prepare for it", he said and pointed out how other countries other than the US had accepted the use of the American dollar.

Norway is not a member of the European Union.

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