Denemarken sluit arbeidsmarkt voor werknemers nieuwe lidstaten (en)

The Danish liberal government, with the support of the Social Democrat opposition, has adopted new measures to restrict access of cheap labour to Denmark after EU enlargement next year.

Permission to work and reside in Denmark will only be issued to workers employed in jobs paid according to the tariff system - a system fixing minimum salaries for various types of jobs.

This government's move is an attempt to avoid cheap labour entering Denmark from new EU member states after enlargement next May.

While looking for a job in Denmark, there will be no automatic access to benefits from social security schemes, according to the new rules.

"EU enlargement will not lead to a lowering of salaries. Companies can benefit from access to labour from the new member states and we can all celebrate that Danish social security schemes are fenced", said the minister for employment, Claus Hjort Frederiksen to Jyllands-Posten.

The left wing party Enhedslisten and the rightwing Danish Peoples Party did not back the legislation.

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